by | Feb 11, 2023 | Beauty, Colorist, hair, hair salon, haircut, hairstylist
Whether or not you’ve been struck by Cupid’s Bow, hair stylists and colorists love Valentine’s Day. As an opportunity to unveil your more sexy or romantic side, the season of love allows you to get creative with color and updos and/or really let your hair down (or,...
by | Jan 26, 2023 | Beauty, Colorist, hair, hair color, hair salon, haircut, hairstylist, Stylist
Zodiac-wise, Aquarius season is a hairdresser’s fan favorite due to Aquarians’ individualistic nature, and penchant for creative self-expression. Further, an Aquarian hairstylist or colorist also has a perfect balance of traits for success in their craft:...
by | Nov 25, 2022 | Beauty, hair, hair salon, haircut, hairstylist
BANGS, BANGS, BANGS! Bangs are back and more versatile than ever! There are many different types of bang hairstyles and that means there is a style that suits everyone, no matter your hair’s length or texture. But, we know it can get confusing quickly when looking at...
by Miguel | Jun 16, 2022 | hair salon, haircut, hairstylist
What’s The Difference Between a Barber and a Hair Stylist? Here’s How To Choose Does your dad, or any of the men in your life, need a cut or new hair style? When it comes to men and haircuts, guys need to decide whether to go to a hair stylist in a salon...
by Miguel | Feb 3, 2022 | Beauty, hair salon, haircut
Many consider February the “real” start of the New Year, because January always has a little lingering December energy (and, February is the start of the Lunar New Year, after all). Now that the February new year energy is in the air, nothing says change more than a...
by Miguel | Dec 17, 2021 | hair, hair salon, haircut, hairstylist
Own your individuality and what looks best, not what GenZ thinks Like all the young, trendsetting and outspoken generations before it, GenZ is quick to point out their opinions—to the world, and anyone who will listen—about what is in, and what is most definitely out...