We’re not ready to accept it just yet, but fall is approaching and with it, many are headed back-to-school (or work, minus the vacations and summer Fridays and/or Mondays!).
Fall is the absolute best time to rock a new cut or color: it’s the start of the fashion season and the time to dress up again, with a get-down-to-business attitude as you emerge from a relaxing summer. So whether it’s a statement-making hairstyle or a totally new color, our team is ready to help you step onto the autumn stage with gorgeous hair. (PS: We’d recommend booking an appointment now before the September rush!) As we grow, we continue to be one of the best hair salons in Brooklyn and Soho and are busier than ever).
Short hair: a cut above
In fall, you’re transitioning to a season that is harder on your hair, so this is a great time to go a bit shorter – as a way to get rid of the summer hair damage,” says Fabio. He recommends a pixie, gel/wet, natural or scrunched up look as a way to express a sense of form, shape and proportion. Talk to your stylist about the best short cut to go with your facial features, he advises. “Also, fall is an interchange from hot to cold, and sometimes you even feel your hair need to be changed from one look to the other one as the season goes forward,” he says.

Perms are back!
And, they’re a great look for fall. As our schedules fill up, that means less time to style your hair and perms are easy to manage: just wash your hair and let it dry naturally. Above, an example of a gorgeous perm by stylist Rafael Nieves in our Brooklyn Heights salon.
“Today’s perm is lighter and doesn’t stress the hair as much,” he explains. “Perm formulas today are more specific for types of hair,colored hair, different hair textures, etc. Perms before were the same for everybody – and were stronger and curlier. Now they make it lighter with the ability to produce a wavy effect.”
And since we are a hair salon for men as well – Rafael notes that perms are very popular for guys today. Even barbers recommend them for their clients, because men like the look of curls that fall on their forehead.

Creative Color
We love this unique color, which was done by colorist Giula Farella for a client who is a singer and an artist. He requested a color that differentiated him from everyone else who has the typical “blue hair, red hair.” Because he exudes positive energy, Giulia created this orange color as an extension of his personality.
Fall Hair Essentials
Finally, when starting the new school year or fall work season with a fresh look, maintaining it with the right at-home tools is essential. For healthy hair and optimal styling results, Fabio recommends:
– Investing in a new brush that is suitable for your hair and styling needs. Ask your stylist which FS Collezione brush is right for you, or take our quiz!
– Consider upgrading your shampoo and conditioner; brands like Oribe and Kerastase put extensive R&D and the latest technology behind their new launches, so it’s worth looking to see if a new product is right for you, For example, for post-summer hair damage, you might consider Kerastase’s new skincare-inspired line, Nutritive
– Talk to your stylist about which styling products are your indispensable go-tos when it comes to your hair type, texture and styling needs
– Assess the state of your hot tools; they don’t last forever, and if you’re using them past their prime, they might be damaging your hair
Looking to consult with one of our stylists or colorists for a fall refresh? Book now or give us a call (Brooklyn Heights, 718-855-5777; or Soho, 212-343-0523).